Tuesday, July 28, 2009

UMAT tomoro.

so suddenly, umat is tomoro.. its hard to describe how i feel, though i guess you could say that its a mixture of fear and calm, the same calm that comes just before a storm..like dipping your toes in the water before jumping in

and it feels as though im staring into the face of what we've been going to school for all those years to prepare for.. so its finally come, and we've got one chance to make this good. I guess this is what it'd feel like just before my first HSC exam too.. knowing that the time for preparation is over, and all thats in my head right now is what i'll be taking with me tomoro..(plus pencil, rubber, id. and candidate ticket dont forget lol)

it feels good though, despite all the stress of exams and everything, this year was realli realli good, as we all close in on graduation, focussing on whats in front of us, sometimes we forget to look back and wonder at all the distance we've covered already since the start of the year. This year, i've certainly learnt more about myself then i've ever done, starting with this blog that i made last holidays, i got to know people i hadnt talked to previously and finding that i could spend a whole day talking about nothing in particular (lol my english essay is still waiting to be done XD), and watching my friends grow (i wouldnt have been the same person without you guys)...and lots of other stuff

i reckon i'd miss school once its gone, but right now, im looking forward to graduation when all this will be done, and i guess what gives me the most motivation is knowing that after one more term of 'showing my mettle' (quote from Harry haha), we'd finally get a bit more freedom in life rather than being bound by school almost since we've been born..lol

but anyways, UMAT TOMORO ASD;FLKJ!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sexy song.

I found a sexy korean rnb song by Rain on kevins ipod the other day..

i couldnt realli figure out wat was happening in the MV though..the first half was gud, and then it gets more and more confusing =/

FUK. 7 hours of math tutoring tomoro. a;sldkfj

all the way in burwood lol

Kogarah library was interesting today, though i couldnt stay for lock-in..but the furniture was pretty sexy, especially couch we sat on XD
and the internet was much better than at hurstville library..maybe imma go there more often =D

but anyways..<3s that song..even though i dont know wat the MVs about..something about it is attractive

and ha ji won is cute

Monday, July 13, 2009

Random 8am

Sitting by myself downstairs at kevin's house..everybodys still asleep lol, it feels kinda peaceful with soft music in the background and all which is kinda weird when i think about all the work imma have to do for the next three days..but imma start that after this song..and blog entry =P

hopefulli i finish before anybody wakes up lol. blogging doesnt work unless yur by yurself..

but anyways, woaaa..third day of holidays already =/, though its been pretty fun already..lol theres something about night, and bein with people you want to be with..

but then the next thing you know yur in the school hall doing yur first trial exam a;lsdkfj

kevin's massive 'to do' list is sitting next to me..havent read it yet lol, hmm..i wonder if imma be doing anything this holidays..apart from studyin that is. FUK.


o wells..seriously cant wait until my birthday this year..LAST EXAM. yeh boy.

okies..time to work as;ldkj

oh yer..i forgot to bring a shaver or anything =__=


