Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just felt like writin..

Cant believe its back to school already.. =/ missin the holidays so much..

Class seems so boring for some reason, haha, but its not too bad yet
all we've done so far is go through half yearly exams.. asian failed most of them =[
everyones fightin so hard for rankings lol

kinda fell asleep during physics tutoring today, the tutor loled at me haha.. not tarded at all. feelin so cbb for tutoring =[ ..and almost every single day too

but anyways, enough about school? whoevers readin this is probli asleep hehe

found lots of gud songs that are like..<3
cant stop listening to the freshman haha
..and rule the world
how weird.. =/ neither are rnb

okies, cant think of anything else, so thats it. lol.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blogging still feels weird =/

Bloggin is still realli weird.. i thought i'd have nothing to say, but then, here i am =/

Haha, i feel like imma one of those people who love to tell other people about their day whether they listened or not and never stop talking [haha, like a certain aunt of a certain bevis], and its realli hard to make this interesting.. so imma not try =D
I wonder how many people would find reading this enjoyable? lol

But anyways, wat interesting stuff has happened to me recently? like..not much
nah, actuali, this holidays was fun. lol. which is weird, because all i've done is go to library and study.. haha, have to do it if yur doing the asian combo.

oh, but there was medentry with Kevin, which was LOL, because when we were in the seminar, we were SO motivated to perfect UMAT, but i went home, fell asleep and the passion died. like straight away. =/

met a tard at the library...who liked to leave stuff behind...and has sexy hair XD

going out to city tomoro to watch a movie with kevin..and someone i dont know

had an extremely hot hotpot at brendons house, which was fun haha [thanks man], we shoulda organised it sooner though so we could ask more people..gud team in wii tennis btw LOl, we own, *hi 5*

and yay for getting our jerseys on wednesday too. hopefulli.
they make you feel old/motivated/cool/warm a the same time

ps. CANT WAIT until hsc finishes

pps. woah. and i thought i had nothing to say. haha i'd look at this and think wat da FUk, wat a jumbled person =/ but o wells. have fun looking into mi mind?

ppps. i like to talk in paragraphs. lol.. feelin tarded x/

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Went to Medentry workshop day 2 today, to prepare for UMAT.. =/

met lots of extremely smart people there who want to do med at uni too.. FUK. need to work harder this holidays..but the indian guy who ran the thingy was lols and taught us a lot, so its all guds =D

...+he liked to pay out lawyers (no offence to lawyers haha)

and he said that it would be a gud idea to remember all the funny things that happen to us in life.. but i kinda cbbed to write everything down, so heres a blog bahaha

first blog, and it feels like imma talking to myself =[ how sad

i wonder if imma read this a few years later and think wat da fUK? imma so immature XD

haha, well to my future self.. SUP. hows life?
and did you get into med?

(remember?: hard work for HSC, sleeping at 2am most nights =[, friends (sup. guys? XD), chasing dreams, year 10, having a best friend <3,basketball, harrys tutoring, drDU)