Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just felt like writin..

Cant believe its back to school already.. =/ missin the holidays so much..

Class seems so boring for some reason, haha, but its not too bad yet
all we've done so far is go through half yearly exams.. asian failed most of them =[
everyones fightin so hard for rankings lol

kinda fell asleep during physics tutoring today, the tutor loled at me haha.. not tarded at all. feelin so cbb for tutoring =[ ..and almost every single day too

but anyways, enough about school? whoevers readin this is probli asleep hehe

found lots of gud songs that are like..<3
cant stop listening to the freshman haha
..and rule the world
how weird.. =/ neither are rnb

okies, cant think of anything else, so thats it. lol.

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