Thursday, September 24, 2009


Umat results were released today..and they were somewhat disappointing..=/ the first thought that entered my head was how ridiculous it was that this one test was worth as much as yur entire hsc..and that a difference of just two points could mean the difference between getting an interview and not. Oh wells..i guess fairs fair as thats how it is for everybody lol.. but it means that i need an atar of 99 to get an;dklfj
I talked to K on the phone today to see how he went, and found that he'd lost motivation for felt realli weird to hear it cos we've been chasing this since year 11..but i guess the gud thing about being young is that we have so much opportunity =]'ve got my support bro, kick some commerce ass!!!

Haha, guess what? after all this time the first thing i blog about is school again..i think i should change the topic before you all fall asleep..

Waking up this morning to find that the sky had turned orange, i thought i was still in a until somebody informed me that i wasn't and that it was a dust storm. So, watching it for a while, i thought it was kind of pretty..until i walked outside. There was so much wind that even the birds couldnt fly properly lol, holding my fringe down i cannot help but lol as i could think of at least one other person who disliked the wind for this same reason.

(Duststorms..once in a blue moon..ahahaha i am so funny =D)

It feels kind of..retarded, knowing that school is about to end (haha, couldnt think of any other way to describe it)..the prospect of not being bound by a routine is kind of exciting, but at the same time its a little bit scary because we'll no longer have people to make our decisions for us, and because we'll lose what ties us most strongly to our friends. Taking the 'day off school' *ahem*, we went to the state library to do some turned out to be more fun than i thought it'd be lol, with all the picture taking and everything with B's new camera. R brought us to a $14 japanese buffet where you have an hour to eat as much (pretty and..uh..tasty) food as you can, and after asianly eating our money's worth of prawns, we decided to eat ALL the jelly they had on the dessert table and build a tower with the packaging..quite innovative lol.

but ANYWAYS, hsc is so close ARG!!!! NEED TO STUDY. will
blog again soon. i didnt say that. lol.

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