Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Been a long time.

its been almost two weeks since i last blogged, nd a lot has happened since then..like getting my atar, rsa and rcg. haha..hopefulli all these abbreviated qualifications can score me a job soon..one in which i can earn more than just lunch money.

this year i spent christmas eve and christmas day at port stephens with mine and kevin's family (i see a trend here)..it was gud because it was a change of surroundings, nd mi mum nd grandma realli needed that so imma glad that kevin's family invited us to come. it was a lazy three days there, getting up late nd spending most of the day lookin for stuff to do. we stayed at a resort/spa kind of hotel that faced the sea, so the air always smelled salty, nd we ate at dodgey restaurants at the city centre lol..but the beaches nd everything were realli pretty,
though mi mind always seemed to wander back to sydney..but i had to make do with a phonecall..after which i got raged the crap out of me for not telling mi mum where i went because it was midnight <3. =p. we spent most of christmas day on the beach at anna bay, stepping in the water nd talking, nd then driving back home for three nd a half hours.

'christmas @ wongs' ended up bein done on boxing day so that everyone could come. although there were onli 4 attending guests on facebook, it turned out to be pretty big. it was nice to see everyone together..nd two bestfriends sort of reunite. =p. nd it was realli fun too..but not in the same way as the christmas party we had in year 10.

right now it looks like i wont be allowed out until after the med interview..as;dlfkj..but imma definitely come out on nye, cos 10 days is just too long to wait..nd nsw open day should be a gud enough excuse too =p. dam. if onli i had a car..then i could just leave in the middle of the night..iwiwetsy..=/

ARG. should be preparing for interview..but cbb..even though it will probabli be one of the most important 30 minutes of mi life..=/..imma continue preparing soon, but not tonight..hearing my grandma snoring in the next room makes me sleepi..so imma do it tomoro.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lead up to results.

Wow..so much to blog about today..i think i'll just jump straight into it lol. woke up late today. i made it just on time for mi driving lesson..which was pretty fun today because we drove on lots of different types of roads since i learnt how to use traffic lights properli last lesson. mi car control is improving quickli..but because of that, i'm getting lazier when scanning the road and getting bored driving slowli haha, so thankfulli i have an instructor to keep me in line. kevin says im a bit too obsessed with driving..lol i guess i am..but its just that sittin behind the wheel of a car makes me feel so free..like i can go anywhere at anytime

I stayed out a while to eat lunch at Mr. Teppan which reopened after renovation. if you order a fried rice or noodles, they ask you if you wanted it on a plate or those little cardboard take away boxes that chris tucker eats from in the rush hour movies..except i ordered something else =/. shall get it next time LOL. just for the box. no comment about the food though.

Brendon's aunt called me today nd set a time and day for me to tutor her son who was sitting the selective test next year. when i thought about revisiting year 5 maths, i was hit with a massive amount of distance..it reminded me of primary school..nd struggling with percentages and negative numbers XD. but at the same time it reminded me of how fast life passes..i think, from now..imma just do wateva, nd not think about things too much before i do it. otherwise the chance might just pass..nd you'd never know wat couldv been..as;lkdfj

Nathan picked me up at the station and drove to sizzler's for our pre-'result getting' dinner. nd though there were onli 9 of us..nd all from caringbah (except andrew wong)..it actualli felt kind of nice because you could just see that everybody was soo..themself, since we knew each other so well, and nobody was worryin about impressing anyone or anything. nd not wanting everything to end so quickli, we drove to wong's house to play poker/guitar hero nd look at the water nd stuff. wong's dad was heaps nice and gave us all this food, nd made us green tea nd everything lol. nd LOL. brendon walked into a GLASS DOOR. then ran to the couch nd buried his face in a cushion. AHAHAHAHA.

So right now..its around 6 hours until our results come out..the result of 13 years of schooling. soz guys, hope i didnt make you guys even more nervous =p. im kind of excited..kind of scared..nd also kind of tired =/. needa go sleep right now..tomorow imma have to be in the city by 9am for a full day rsa course..nd then again the next day for the rcg course..als;dkfj..wont be getting enough sleep..ARG. HELP ME. bye lol.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Partyin till the AM

Today seemed like a realli long day..but i guess thats because saturdays and sundays are usualli separated by sleep haha. I have to admit that I had doubts about yesterday, firstly because there were no trains due to track work, and secondly because i was told that wong (being under 18) was organising clubbing because 'his guy knows a guy..', but it actualli turned out to be reealli fun =). I took a bus with gina, fionna (with the double n), brendon, jason and wong at around 6 to central and walked to Olivo's at harbourside where fionna's friend crystal was having her birthday dinner. It was kinda strange sitting with a bunch of random year 11 girls at first, especially because we weren't even friends with the birthday girl, but the girl who sat in front of me was realli easy to talk to. but thats probli because everything we do is so..woAH asd;lfkj for her because shes under 18 and onli just started her hsc. We felt old while legally sipping our glasses of beer, but it was kind of embarassing because i felt flushed after drinking onli about a quarter of the glass X(. O yer, and my friend from my first primary school was there too..which supports my theory that all asians in nsw are connected in some way. We left first and went to blackbird cafe and bought the girliest drink i have ever seen..an oreo crunch. but it tasted nice. =). and made mi face look like a tomato. By the time we got to Verandah it was about 10 i think, and we lined up with bevis with his '四大美人' he told us about over the phone. When we got in it was still kind of empty because it onli just opened so we sat at joanna's table and had shots, which was different from last time. nd its exactli how you imagine it, as soon as you swallow the shot, your whole stomach just feels realli warm. when the club filled up a bit more, we started dancing..nd i cant realli describe everything properli, but it felt realli out of the world cos it was all dark and the floor was shaking from the bass. we stayed until closing time..which for a club is 4am. our legs were pretty much dead by the time we walked all the way back to town hall to catch the nightride. the nightride was insane, it was one bus and they fit so many people that you would have to climb over seats to get out in the first few stops. luckily i got a seat, but i sat next to this dude who every time he fell asleep while resting his chin on his palm, his arm would slip and he would jerk awake. but as soon as he jerked (violently i might add) back into the right position he fell asleep again. STRAIGHT AWAY. and it just repeated every 2 seconds. so it just looked like he was doing some crazy dance, shaking his head around. it wouldv been hilarious, but if yur on the nightride yur probli too tired to lol. i snuck in the door at 5am and luckily i didnt wake anybody. when mi mum came in in the morning and asked wat time i came home i told her 3 =p. so hopefulli she never reads this. i didnt get to sleep because i thought i had to prepare notes for chem tutoring..but it turned out mi student had work today and couldnt come. so i finalli got some sleep at 5 in the afternoon and woke up again to eat dinner/type this blog/close msn which i left on.

ASD;FLJKK need sleep. will add pictures tomoro..i mean today.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Best song since..a very long time

Couldnt stand the stillness of home today..so i went to kevin's house just to chill

Found this song..its so gud
. But as always, its kinda emo..XD

Bring back the days of 'Getaway Car' nd 'Gotta Love Me'

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Its been almost two weeks, but its never too late to blog haha. So around 13 days or so ago (23rd) it was darren chan's birthday combined with darren wong, and in the morning we met at hurstville station and rode for about an hour in four cars taking 20 of us down to rouse(?) hill for paintball. It was..interesting, watching Bevis's massive merc battle it out with ronald's baby car down a straight stretch =p. Hahaha. All i can say about paintball is that its painful as hell and they taste like crap. Being a cheapass I stuck with the standard gun which are apparently accurate for around 20 metres. A few went and upgraded to ones that are accurate for over 60 metres and fired like TWENTY BALLS a fuking second D=. But the worst part is, all the people who got that upgrade was on the other team =[, so we pretty much just lost most games. In memory of that day, I still have a bruise on my arm thats not quite disappeared yet. O yer, and wearing a cup was the most uncomfortable feeling ever. After that, we met back at hurstville to take a train to city for dinner. Since Hurricanes was full, we went to "Criniti's", which was where we ordered two one metre long pizzas..but they gave us three..LOL, thats pretty badass. We finished about 2 of the pizzas between 7 people, and afterwards, the sight of pizza made me feel like vomiting.. It was realli fun, just because it was with lots of friends in darling harbour..and also because wong nearli fell into the water =p. and llama adrien almost kicked wong's bag into the water =p.

Our awesome pizza
Struggling to standWong's..brush with fate.
A few days after this, being a bit bored, i went to the city by myself but met up with brendon randomli who'd gone to see a movie. Being still kinda bored, we went to korean K with emily, sooey, ollie and two other girls from their school who i cant remember the names of =/ (bevis will forever call me a pimp), and andrew wong turned up randomli a bit later. I dug up whats left of my year 10 fobbiness and sang half of "Cling" by FT Island with emily..and that was all i could sing..i am so pro. =p. It was kind of late after that, so i just went home..and brendon went to the casino..and lost his money. I think..imma write about korean bbq tonight haha..time to go job hunting =/.

O yer. and this is adrein being adrieny.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Keeping Blogging Alive

I know this might sound kind of dumb..but i've stared at an empty blog entry for about half an hour now, not knowing how to start..so i guess this'll have to do for an opening haha. I wonder if anybody else has the same problem or if its just me, but it takes like 2 hours to write each of these blog entries lol. its just so hard to write down what i think and feel. just looking through a blogroll i noticed that onli a few were guys' blogs, and most of them had their last post a month or more ago, so i guess its just not a guy thing. so if its such a chore..i wonder why i still do it? i duno..actualli, i wonder why other people keep their blogs? i think for me, the reason is that reading my own posts reminds me of what i'm realli like when noone is around to influence the way i act and speak and stuff..kind of like the way you talk, laying in the dark just before you fall asleep at yur bestfriend's house. so i guess that in a way, its comforting to blog..haha.

ok, thats the end of the rant, i doubt anybody managed to stay awake reading that..lol
shall post something more interesting some time..dont hold yur breath