Sunday, December 6, 2009


Its been almost two weeks, but its never too late to blog haha. So around 13 days or so ago (23rd) it was darren chan's birthday combined with darren wong, and in the morning we met at hurstville station and rode for about an hour in four cars taking 20 of us down to rouse(?) hill for paintball. It was..interesting, watching Bevis's massive merc battle it out with ronald's baby car down a straight stretch =p. Hahaha. All i can say about paintball is that its painful as hell and they taste like crap. Being a cheapass I stuck with the standard gun which are apparently accurate for around 20 metres. A few went and upgraded to ones that are accurate for over 60 metres and fired like TWENTY BALLS a fuking second D=. But the worst part is, all the people who got that upgrade was on the other team =[, so we pretty much just lost most games. In memory of that day, I still have a bruise on my arm thats not quite disappeared yet. O yer, and wearing a cup was the most uncomfortable feeling ever. After that, we met back at hurstville to take a train to city for dinner. Since Hurricanes was full, we went to "Criniti's", which was where we ordered two one metre long pizzas..but they gave us three..LOL, thats pretty badass. We finished about 2 of the pizzas between 7 people, and afterwards, the sight of pizza made me feel like vomiting.. It was realli fun, just because it was with lots of friends in darling harbour..and also because wong nearli fell into the water =p. and llama adrien almost kicked wong's bag into the water =p.

Our awesome pizza
Struggling to standWong's..brush with fate.
A few days after this, being a bit bored, i went to the city by myself but met up with brendon randomli who'd gone to see a movie. Being still kinda bored, we went to korean K with emily, sooey, ollie and two other girls from their school who i cant remember the names of =/ (bevis will forever call me a pimp), and andrew wong turned up randomli a bit later. I dug up whats left of my year 10 fobbiness and sang half of "Cling" by FT Island with emily..and that was all i could sing..i am so pro. =p. It was kind of late after that, so i just went home..and brendon went to the casino..and lost his money. I think..imma write about korean bbq tonight haha..time to go job hunting =/.

O yer. and this is adrein being adrieny.

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