Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking back on good times..and looking forward to more

2009 has definitely been one of the more special years of my life, leaving me with memories that i won't forget for many more years to come..

To me, 2009 was..

- Dr Du Coaching, the place that taught me more than my school teachers could, the place which became so familiar to me i could fall asleep in the classrooms, the place where i met some of the most interesting [nd tarded =)] people that i know, some of whom also made it a place that i enjoyed going each week..nd before going to dr du for english, i'd never have thought that an english lesson could be so much fun, nor that an english teacher could enjoy paying people out so much =p. nd it was also where we met BEVIS.

- Harry's Education, where tuesday evenings were spent with Ron and Reb
ecca, nd friday evenings were spent with Gina, Fionna (with the double n), Wong nd Ron along with the sydney boys group nd some girls who were always on a sugar high. It was the place that allowed us moonlit strolls through hurstville to buy icecream during break time, nd the place where we met a very..unique math teacher. Though we spent more time mucking around in class than actualli listening, Harry still managed to teach us a lot. =p.

- Hurstville Library, where i used to go to study alone because i couldnt concentrate at home..but it soon turned out to be the place where i got to know people whom i wouldnt have got to otherwise, nd a place where we could relax, hang out nd study with friends at the same time. And I'll always remember the library as the place that made studyin for the HSC a lot more bearable, nd as a place where everybody helped each other through the biggest thing in our lives so far..nd a place where we had so much fun. =p.

- Class of '09, the time that our whole year felt closest to each other.

(its hard to smile when mr chapple is around. LOL.)("time to carry out ze plan")
- Food and Parties
(eating jellies is a serious business)

And to me, 2009 was falling for a short, tarded monkey who has a song for every moment, a payout for every situation, a whole world hidden from me, a crazy imagination and a way of making simple things so much more special and meaningful that makes 2009 even more unfrogettable. Who knew there could be someone who was opposite to me in so many ways?

(since i dont have any photos, imma jsut use yurs ;])
- And lots of other stuff that will just take too long to mention..
And that was my '09. Happy new year guys, lookin forward to another year with all of you ;].

And as for new years resolutions? Just two..
- Take care of what i still have left to do..=/
- Talk more..=p

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