Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is the reason...when you really could have any man you want

was going to blog last night..but it got a bit late when i finished doing my essay and i posted this song instead..=D

so i've finally completed my share of assessments for this year today..yayy, so now its full steam ahead onto trials, graduation and then the hsc.. i dont know whether to feel happy, worried or sad =/

though it feels gud that assessments are done, the essay i produced today has to be the shiz-est essay i've ever written in my life..but by the look of it, not many people were very well prepared..so hopefulli its not too bad..=[

haha, its gud to know we're all in the same boat..zzz

confirmed that i cant talk properli today..blaming on hsc..
lol, actualli, come to think of it i think the onli place i go now that is outside of home and a tutoring centre is the library..but even thats rare now compared to before a;sldfkj ARG

note to self: make time for talking/hanging out with friends etc..things disappear if you dont pay attention..

i found out something lols today, that at harry's i've been sitting in front of a girl who went to my first primary school and was IN MY CLASS FOR YEARS..it took a minute for me to remember sitting next to her in year 2..lol, guess what..as always..it was my name that distinguished me a;sdlfjk

which reminds me of the day i got my name..i even had a say in the matter..but thats another story. not reali. cbf lol

time for dinner

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