Friday, June 5, 2009

Midnight Blogging

Holi, havent blogged for such a long time..ish..well since last week. lol. haha

Exams are coming up again in about a week and a half. FUK. and we only just got our half yearly reports back

lolll, failed english.. =[

asian fail physics and maths =/

spent almost a whole week preparing a module B essay, hopefulli its not too bad..had to change it SOmuch

AS;LFJK the first time i handed it in to the teacher, her reaction was basically, '...dude, this is shiz.'

ANYWAYS. lol. enough about school O__. ?

transformers 2 coming out. have to see that. and angels and demons too..still havent got around to it lol. too much work ;asldkfj. have to kick certain peopls asses haha

o YER, long weekend this week. looking forward to it..though imma just go library or soemthing lol. do some cool =D cool am i? best way of spending a long weekend..


there was something else i wanted to say..but i cant remember it =/
lack of sleep probli haha

okies imma go sleep..holi, took 30 minutes to write that

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